Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Making Strides

First off, let me thank everyone for the overwhelmingly positive response to my last post. It was a big moment for me and your reactions really meant a lot.

Anyway, I've been pretty quiet for the last few days as I took care of a bunch of stuff here in TX.

1. I managed to get a sunburn; in March; on just my elbow...  

On the bright side(pun unintended) it's probably the least painful sunburn I've ever had, so it's got that going for it. Turns out sitting in your car for a few hours browsing job postings can be hazardous to your left elbow's health.

Speaking of jobs...

2. I've been applying for a ton of jobs in just about every sector. 

Over the last two or three days I've been focusing on non-profits, and let me tell you: after spending 8-12 hours applying to NPOs, even reading a listing at a traditional business just feels icky.

You know what tends to be really nice about job-listings for an NPO?


I've wasted more time trying to understand what BusniCorp's latest job posting is even FOR than I have actually spent applying to them.

Yes, I understand that you want "self-motivated individuals to find creative solutions for building relationships with brand awareness actualizers in competitive markets and emerging growth pattern environs".

I get that, I really do.

What that doesn't tell me, however, is:
What I would be doing on a daily basis.
What my performance would be based on.
What department I would be in.
What your company actually does(seriously, the number of job postings I've read where not only is this not clear, but the company's name isn't even listed for me to google that on my own is STAGGERING).

NPOs on the other hand? (generally speaking of course)
"We're looking for someone to help screen AIDs patients in low-income environments for public assistance eligibility."
"We're looking for someone to help raise funds in the community for the local food bank."
"We're looking for someone to assist in the writing of grant proposals to help children rescued from abusive households".

It's just so much more straight-forward, and I really appreciate that.

Now of course, I'm applying for writing, acting, voiceover, and other entertainment jobs as well, but I recognize that bills need to be paid on a constant basis, be it at BusniCorp, an NPO, or McDondalds, so I'm casting a wide net.

Speaking of paying bills...

3. I officially have an apartment!

It's nothing too fancy, but the price was cheap and the location will work just fine for me, so I'm happy.

The simple fact that I can write this blog entry on my laptop, and not on my phone(like almost every other entry so far) makes me VERY happy.

Now I just need to get a way more comfortable chair...

(I had the option of a silver key or this Longhorns key. I went Longhorns so I could tell my keys apart. If you hate the Longhorns, great. If you love the Longhorns, great. I seriously don't care. It's a key; as long as it works in the lock I will be happy.)

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